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Board Games at Odum: Trivial Pursuit Family

A guide to help you navigate Odum Library's board game collection and the world of gaming.

Trivial Pursuit Description

Trivial Pursuit is the original trivia game that started it all. Each player has a circular playing piece with six pie-shaped holes. The goal of the game is to collect a pie in each color. the colors correspond to different question categories. The board consists of a circular track with spaces in seven different colors. Six of the colors correspond to question categories while the last color gives a new dice roll. Six spaces along the track are "pie spaces", and these are the "spokes" of track leading to the middle to the board. Players roll a die and move along the track in any direction they like. when a player stops on a color they get a question of the appropriate category. If the player answers a question correctly while on a pie space, they get a pie of that color (assuming they don't already have it). A correct answer on another square allows the player to roll again. Once the player has one pie in each color, she can move along the spokes to the middle of the board to win the game. 

Description from


2 - 24 players


90 minutes


Party game, trivia


Roll / spin and move, set collection 

Genus II

A subsidiary card set for use with the master game. Contains 1000 cards, 6000 questions in six categories: Geography, Entertainment, History, Art & Literature, Science & Nature, Sports & Leisure. 

Description from


2 - 24 players


90 minutes


Party game, trivia, expansion for base-game


Roll / spin and move, set collection 

How to Play

The Beatles Collector's Edition Description

Beatlemania bombed the United States and the rest of the world after the Fab Four appeared on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964. This, for some, is common knowledge. But are you a true Beatlemania? Find out with Trivial pursuit - The Beatles Collector's Edition. Your goal is to fill your pie-shaped track pawn by answering six Beatles questions correctly, and then answer one final question in the center of the board. Roll a custom Beatles die that determines the question level: easy, medium, or hard. Answer over 2,500 absorbing questions about the legendary rock band as you travel around the custom game board with a bonus track that creates more strategy, more interaction, and more fascination for the boys from Liverpool as players enter different zones including Come Together, All you need is Love, Get Back and Ticket to Ride. Six fab Beatles categories include Songs, Movies, History, On Their Own, Albums & Singles, and The Beatles in America. Show off your Beatlemania with 2-36 other Beatlemaniacs in Trivial Pursuit - The Beatles Collector's Edition!

Description from


2 - 24 players


90 minutes


Party game, trivia, music


Roll / spin and move, set collection