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Board Games at Odum: Da Vinci Code Board Game

A guide to help you navigate Odum Library's board game collection and the world of gaming.

Da Vinci Code Board Game


Players move around the board to visit landmarks and look at clue cards so they can figure out a mystery phrase. Each clue requires a different mechanism to solve (a mirror to reverse the letters, a decoder box laid over the card to reveal part of the phrase, some of a special decoder tool). Some are simply riddles or puzzles to solve. Some clues also require the player to move to the library at the center of the board and retrieve a card with more information. Alternatively, players might need to visit the Louvre and examine a painting. When the mystery phrase is solved, players garner further points by answering questions relating to the clues. 


2 - 6 players


120 minutes


Mystery, Novel-based


Memory, roll and move, deduction

How to Play