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Board Games at Odum: Slash: Romance without Boundaries

A guide to help you navigate Odum Library's board game collection and the world of gaming.

Slash: Romance Without Boundaries


All is fair in love and war and card-based party games. Everyone as a soulmate; a partner that completes them. Someone who supports them in the thickest of thick and the thinnest of thin, who loves them unconditionally and electrifies them with a glance, a smirk or a touch. slash is a game about finding that One True Pairing. Whether it is a relationship that crosses centuries, continents or literary continuities true matchmaking cannot be constrained by the dictates of logic, propriety or canon. In slash: romance without boundaries players compete to make the perfect One True Pairing by matching romantic partners from across the canons of pop culture, literature and history. Choose your favorite character and pitch their love story to the matchmaker, or, overrule her judgment and take your tale of romance to a table wide vote. Make the love pairing that was always meant to be - and have a blast doing it - with Slash: Romance Without Boundaries. 


3 - 9 players


45 minutes


Card game, mature/adult


Acting, betting and bluffing, role playing, storytelling, voting

How to Play