Genre Overview:
Historical fiction is a literary genre in which historical events, settings, or people are used to drive fictional plot and conflict. It is frequently applied to other narrative forms including theatre, cinema, television, video games, and graphic novels. There are differing opinions on what defines historical fiction. Generally, the historical fiction novel is written from research or second-hand information, rather than experience or first-hand accounts. Historical fiction must pay attention to the manners and societal constructs of the period depicted in the novel. Often, historical fiction has bolstered feelings of romantic nationalism - or renewed sense of popular interest in one's own history. Major historic events often take place behind the scenes or outside of the characters' lives, allowing authors to focus instead on society and the human condition
Common Sub-genres:
These lists and genre information are brought to you by the students in our genre literature class in the Master in Library and Information Science program. Thank you for sending in such good books, materials, and information. I hope you had a good time with this project!
If any material listed is problematic or you would like to suggest future recommendations and themes please contact Crystal Miller at! They would love feedback, or just to talk about books!