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HIST 4950

History Seminar - Ancient History in Film. Dr. Byrd


For your research project, you are expected to use a variety of sources to demonstrate that you have thoroughly researched your topic. Today's session will focus on books at VSU, online, at the USG level, and other books that you can't get in USG Libraries. 


How will this library class help me?

This library session will help you:

  • Find books related to your topic in the library catalog
  • Understand how to access eBooks
  • Find books in the University System of Georgia
  • Order books through Inter Library Loan (if needed)
  • Find keywords and subject headings 
  • Save information for books (permalinks, emailing) and use the citation button
  • Find books recommended by Dr. Byrd
  • Use Google Books



Where do I start? 

1. Look through background information on your topic. This will help find keywords for you to search with. 

2. Search in the catalog for a book from Odum Library (or online).

Write down, send yourself, or place a hold for, all books at Odum that you are interested in.

3. Search in the catalog for a book from the USG (University System of Georgia).

Place a request for at least one book from the USG using the request feature. 

4. Create an InterLibrary Loan Account.

5. Look through the recommended book lists for books on your topic. 

Make sure you request (or know how to get) the books related to your topic that are on the list. 

6. Search Google Books.

If you find any that are interesting, place a request using InterLibrary Loan.