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The Gender Unicorn

Infographic on gender and sex. Details of infographic below.

Graphic shows a gender unicorn. A speech bubble with a rainbow is coming from  from the unicorn's head. An orange heart and a red heart cover the unicorn's chest. A DNA spiral covers the unicorn's genital area. These symbols match a chart on the left. Rainbow stands for Gender Identity. There are three ways that someone may think of themselves: more or less female/woman/girl, more or less male/man/boy, and more of less other gender(s). There next set of sliders are for gender expression. There are three ways an individual may express their gender identity: more or less feminine, more or less masculine, and more or less in other ways. The DNA symbol covering the Unicorn's genital region stands for Sex assigned at birth. There are three ways a person can be assigned at birth: female, male, or other/intersex. The orange heart on the unicorn stands for physical attraction. There are three types of people an individual may feel physical attraction towards: Women, Men, and/or other genders. The red heart stands for emotional attraction. There are three types of people that an individual may feel emotionally attracted to: Women, men, and/or other genders. Graphic by: TSER Trans Student Educational Resources. To learn more, go to

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