By using the map search, you can easily highlight regions and countries that you want to view results from. This is helpful when you are searching for a topic or event that takes place in a different country, or when views about your topic may differ based on what area produces the news article.
To use this feature, go to either More Search Options or Map Search located under the main search bar of the homepage. The map will be displayed under the search bars. You can click the different areas directly on the image, or select the boxes beside the areas you're interested in.
Selecting the box beside the name of the area will search the entire area. If you want to be more specific, you can click the name of the location, or click the area on the map.
After you have selected your locations, use the search boxes at the top to type in your keywords and click the search button. Your results will only be from newspapers and other sources from the selected area(s).
Filters are found directly to the left of the search results.
To filter your search by date after you search, locate the Date selector or the Date search on the left side of the menu and select the dates that you would like the results to fall within.
You can also add date ranges to the search in the fields. Access World News does not have a specific format for entering dates, so you can enter your date range or specific month/year as you wish. Make sure you change the drop-down beside the search bar to the Date(s) option. If you need to add a new search bar, selecting the plus button (+) will allow you to do so.
Access World News has a variety of news sources. If you are looking for a specific source, you can filter by Source type in the left menu.
If you want to find results only from certain sources, you can select these from the Source name section in the left menu. Select More Options to see all sources that are reporting on your topic.
The More Options link allows you to search the different sources and select the ones you are interested in.
Click Apply.
If you have selected the wrong filter, or want to delete one, you can do that at the top of the search under the search bars.
Click the x beside the filter you want to remove. If you want to remove all filters, select Clear Filters.