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Searching NewsBank Access World News Research Collection

Tutorial of how to find news articles in NewsBank's Access World News Research Collection.


Tools to Share, Cite, and Save an Item

Article titled: I was excited to see one of my favourite bands. Except I didn't see them, not really. A red rectangle highlights a series of tools above the title of the article.




Get a Link to Share/Save an Item


To generate a link for your item, click the link icon.

Row of icons with a link icon circled with red



You can share the link that pops up. This is the permalink. 

Link icon is clicked and a lengthy link appears in a box under it.


Email an Item


To email an item record, click the envelope icon. 

List of icons with a blue envelope highlighted in a red circle.


Fill out the required fields and click Send

Envelope icon selected with fields for a to email address, a from email address, and a message section.



Cite an Item


The cite button is found below the title of the article and appears as a double quotation mark with a C beside it. 

Row of icons. A quotation mark with a C beside it is circled with a red circle.



Once you click the icon, you have the option to export the citation to a citation manager or copy a citation. 

Cite icon is selected with options to export citations or copy citations 



To copy a citation, click the style you are using. A citation will be generated for you. 

APA citation for the article I was excited to see one of my favourite bands.


Note: Always double-check your citations against the style manual. See our Citation Styles Guide for more citation help.