You can quickly access popular sources on the main home page under the Quick Links section. This also includes links to the Valdosta Daily Times, the Macon Telegraph, and lists of sources from Georgia and nation-wide.
Access World News Research Collection has access to local, regional, national, and international newspapers. You can search and browse each source individually for articles.
Find a list of all sources found in Access World News by selecting A-Z Source List at the top of the main search page.
A list of all of the sources will appear. You can search through these with the search bar at the top of the screen, or you can browse alphabetically by using the letters below the search bar.
You can click on the title of the source, and then search through the publication using the search bar at the top. You can also browse recent issues, or browse articles from specific dates.
Clicking on an issue link or a particular date will pull all articles published on that day.