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Visitors: Building Access

Visitors, such as alumni and community patrons, can visit Odum library and access our collection during our available hours. Learn more about what is available to visitors in this guide.

Image of the South entrance of Odum LIbrary with the text Building Access over it.

Building Access

Community patrons, alumni, and any visitors are welcome to visit the library during operating hours and access our in-house collection or utilize our group study rooms. Access to the Odum Library is granted to any person age 16 or older. Per University policy, visitors under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times. Access is only granted during the building's operating hours.


Library users are required to adhere to library and campus policies, as well as federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Violations will be reported to the University Police for further action. 


There are two main entrances to Odum Library. The North Entrance is reached by the Pedestrian Mall and you will enter the library on the second floor. The South Entrance faces the Fine Arts Building and you will enter the library on the first floor. 


Library Map - Entrances

Library maps of the first and second floor with entrances circled in red.

Study Rooms

Study Rooms


Visitors are welcome to use any of the 30+ group study rooms, which are available on a "first come, first serve" basis. These are located on the first, second, and third floors of the library.

Library Maps & Study Spaces

In addition to study rooms, Odum Library also offers spaces suitable for individual and collaborative study. 


First Floor 

  • Collaborative Study Space (First Floor South Side) 

  • Quiet Zone Collaborative Study Space (First Floor North Side)

  • Study Rooms (First Floor North Side)

  • Internet Café


Study Space on the First Floor

In addition to study rooms, Odum Library also offers spaces suitable for individual and collaborative study. 


Second Floor 

  • Collaborative Study Space (North and South Sides)

  • Computer Lab Room 2633

  • Study Rooms (Second Floor North Side)

  • Computer Lab (Second Floor South Side)

  • Individual Study Space (North and South Sides)


rectangular tables with wooden chairs, soft seating, and shelves


Study Space on the Second Floor

In addition to study rooms, Odum Library also offers spaces suitable for individual and collaborative study. 


Third Floor 

  • Quiet Zone Collaborative Study Space (Third Floor North Side Perimeter) 

  • Collaborative Study Space (North Side and South Sides) 

  • Quiet Zone Computer Lab 3250 (South Side) 

  • Individual Study Space (South Side)

  • Quiet Zone Individual Study Space (North Side)

  • Study Rooms (Third Floor North Side)


rectangular and circular wooden tables with wooden chairs, red soft chairs around a table, and three black leather sofas


Study space on the third floor

Odum Library Map

Map of the first and second floors of the Odum Library


Maps of the third and fourth floors of the odum library

Library/Circulation Desk Hours (Spring 2025)

Monday - Thursday  

7:00am - 10:00pm



7:00am - 8:00pm 






12:00pm - 10:00pm


Library hours are subject to change. Please see the Library Hours page for the latest information. 

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