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How to View an Item


Access Full-Text PDF

Access options are found under the title of an item on the results page and the detailed information item page of an item. 



If there are multiple ways to view the article, click the Access Options dropdown menu and select either Online full text or PDF. (Note: We recommend choosing the PDF option since it will include formatted footnotes/endnotes, graphs, and page numbers when applicable.) 


If there is a PDF available, you can select the Download button as well.

Image of details for article Mental Health Needs. Access Options is listed under the title with the drop-down shown open with Online Full Text and PDF.



You may also see a button that reads Access Now. This will lead you directly to the publisher's page where you can find the PDF of the item there.

White button with blue letters reading "access now"


If the full text is not immediately available, you'll see Find it @ VSU under the Access Options. This means that the article may be available in another database or it can be requested through InterLibrary Loan.

Access options with Find it @ VSU Under the drop down menu