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Searching Discover

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Folders are no longer offered in Discover; however, articles and other items that were saved to your account will still be accessible to you by navigating to the Saved area on the left of the screen under Dashboard. Sign in to your account in the top right by clicking MyEBSCO.


List of articles in Discover under a Saved section. The saved section under My dashboard is circled with a green rectangle. MyEBSCO in the top right corner is circled with a red rectangle.


Custom folders and any items saved in them are no longer accessible in Discover. You can access your folders in other EBSCO databases that use the old display (such as Academic Search Complete). You will only be able to access folders this way until May 2025. Consider moving your items to your more general My Folder to access these in Discover in the future. 



Moving Items from Your Custom Folders to Discover


1. Go to an EBSCO database (such as Academic Search Complete) and Sign In at the top of the screen.

2. Select Folders at the top of the page and then open one of your custom folders. 

3. Select the Select / deselect all option, selecting all items in your custom folder.

4. Once all are selected, click Copy To and select My Folder.

list of articles under an Example Custom Folder : Articles. The select/deselect all checkbox is marked and circled with a red circle. There is a drop down menu under "Copy to" circled with a green circle.


The transfer process will take a few minutes, depending on how many items you have. Once the transfer is complete, these items will now be located in the Saved area of your dashboard in Discover. 


Saved articles in Discover with the Saved option under My Dashboard selected


You will need to repeat this process with each format type in the custom folders and with every custom folder that you want to keep the articles from. 


Keep in mind all EBSCO databases will transition to the new interface in May of 2025; at that point, custom folders will not be accessible in any EBSCO database. 


EBSCO Dashboard Documentation 

Sometimes you want to find research from a specific area or country. You can do this a couple of ways.


Method 1: Keywords.

In the advanced search, you can add the location you would like the research to be from as a keyword. 

Advanced search. Undergraduates is in the first search box, "mental health" is in the second, and "united states" OR america is in the third.


In the example, "United States" OR America was added as a keyword. This will find articles that mention either term anywhere in the article.


Note: While this may help filter results, you will still want to read over the article to make sure that's where the research is taking place. The location you enter as the keyword may be mentioned for another reason, but the database will still show it as a result.




Method 2: Geography Filter

After searching for your topic, you can apply a geographic filter to limit your search to specific locations.


Once you've searched your topic, select the "All filters" button directly under the search bar. In the list to the right, find the "Geography" section and select the locations you want the articles to be from. Click "Apply" once you have made your selection. 


Note: The results shown depend on whether the article has a location listed. If there is not a location listed for the article, even if it did take place in the location you selected, the article won't appear in the search results. This means you may miss out on relevant articles by using the Geography Filter.