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Tools to Share, Cite, and Save an Item

ArticleThere's no place like dorm: Actual-ideal dorm ambiance as a unique predictor of undergraduate mental health.  -- Icons at the top are highlighted.


Get a Link to Share/Save an Item


To generate a link for your item, click the share icon.

Five icons, the fourth, an arrow, is circled.



Select Create Link from the pop-up window. 

Pop-up box with an article title, options to share or email and then a link to create a link highlighted.


Email an Item


To email an item record, click the share icon. 

Five icons with the fourth, an arrow, circled in red.


Select the Email tab in the pop-up box.

Pop-up box with different ways to share your article. The Email tab is highlighted.


Enter the email address into the field and hit Send. If there is a PDF of the article available, the PDF will be sent in the email as well. 

A Pop-up box with the word "Share" at the top. A field is available to enter email addresses.


Cite an Item


The cite button is found above the title of the article and appears as a double quotation mark. 

Five icons with the second one, a quotation mark, circled.



Once you click the icon, a pop-up box will appear. Select your preferred citation style and click Copy to clipboard.

Citation box showing an APA citation for an article.  


Note: Always double-check your citations against the style manual. See our Citation Styles Guide for more citation help. 


Save an Item to your EBSCO Account


You are able to save items to your EBSCO account for later viewing. Once you find an item you want to save, select the save icon.

five icons in a row with the first, a tab icon, circled with a red circle.



Make sure you are signed in to your EBSCO account by selecting MyEBSCO at the top of the screen. 

*If you are not signed in and you save an item, it will not save for the next time you log in

cropped image of the discover search page with MyEBSCO appearing at the top right with a red circle surrounding it


Accessing Your Saved Items

Select Saved from My Dashboard to access your saved items. 

Saved page appears with an article, Big Hair, shown in the list. To the left is My Dashboard with the third option, saved, highlighted.