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CHEM 1210 with Dr. Winkelmann: Searching ACS Journals

Introduction to library and career research resources for freshman Chemistry seminar students.

Direct Link to ACS Journals

Full Text in ACS

Articles that are available in full-text will say "Subscribed" with a green check mark. Click the PDf link to get the full-text article.


Articles that are NOT available in full-text will not have the green check mark or "Subscribed". You can request a copy of these articles using Interlibrary Loan (ILL-Odum Express). Please do not order or purchase the article; use ILL instead.

Journal of chemical education.
Chemical reviews.
Analytical chemistry.
Journal of organic chemistry.
Inorganic chemistry.
Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Accounts of chemical research.
Organic letters.
Environmental science & technology.
The journal of physical chemistry. B.
Chemistry of materials.
Nano letters.
Journal of medicinal chemistry.
Journal of physical chemistry. C.
The journal of physical chemistry. A.

Search Tips

Search Box

  • The Search box is located the near the top of the page.

  • You can search by author, title, or keyword.

  • You can search by citation.

  • Click the magnifying glass icon to run the search.

Example searching de la garza, Linda in the top search box of the ACS Publications page.



Author Search with Refine Search.

  • Click Refine Search.

  • Change "Anywhere" to "Author".

  • Type the Author's last name, first name in the search box.

  • Click Search to run the search.

  • The Advanced Search page also has search tips. 

Refining your search in the ACS Publications Page. Complete a search with your keywords and then select the options under Refine Search


On the Refine Search page, you can limit your search to a specific title using "Published in".


  • Start typing the Journal title

  • Select the correct title from the automatically generated list

  • Repeat the above steps to add multiple Journal titles to the search

Selecting a specific publication in ACS Publications

Article record page. Two arrows point down towards the abstract with the words, keep reading for more information. A pink square marks the area of the page that provides the citation. A pink arrow points to the PDF button with the text PDF Available.


Search Results

  • Click the article's title for more information.


Article PDF

  • Full text articles will have PDF button. 


Article Citation

  • Click on "Cite this:" to see the citation for the article.

  • You can copy and paste this citation.

  • This page will give you the full, unabbreviated, journal title.