LearningExpress Library provides users with many tools to succeed in their chosen career path.
This section will cover LearningExpress Library's resources for career and certification exams, including practice exams and eBooks. Learn how to find the practice exams you need and how to use the helpful features found in LearningExpress.
Offers mock interview services, resume development, and career assessments.
Student Union, 2nd floor
Room 2218
Administers several types of exams including professional exams such as the AAB. Exams are only given by appointment which can be scheduled online.
University Center (Entrance #5)
Room 4167
Odum has several study guides and test prep books in the collection! You can search for them in Gil-Find or ask a librarian!
Chat with a Librarian
Many careers require passing scores on professional exams before granting certification in that career. The Career Preparation section of LearningExpress has test prep for the following professions and disciplines:
Each practice exam is designed to mimic the real exam as closely as possible in the number and type of questions, the time allowed, and the scoring system.
1. On the home page, select the Career Preparation tile and then the area that you are interested in. For this example, we will look at the Allied Health and Social Worker Exams.
2. On the next page, the exams and preparation methods will be displayed. NOTE: If you do not see the list of practice exams and preparation methods, you will need to scroll down until they appear.
Select the resource you would like to use to prepare for the exam. Resources may include eBooks, flashcards, tutorials, practice questions, or practice exams.
3. For practice exams, you will have the option to start the practice test online or print the exam. If you choose to print, the answer key will be included at the end of the test.
Taking the practice exam online allows you to choose from three different methods:
4. Clicking Start Test takes you to the instructions for the online practice exam. The instructions will provide additional information about how the actual test is structured and timed.
5. Select your test method and then click Start Test to begin.