Practice tests, eBooks, and tutorials are offered in the LearningExpress Library for several exams, including multiple graduate admissions exams and CLEP exams. Learn more about using this section of the site in the steps below.
You can find test prep for the following in the LearningExpress Library:
Graduate Admissions Exams
CLEP Exams
Administers several types of exams including multiple CLEP Exams, the GMAT, GRE Subject Tests, the LSAT, and the MAT.
University Center (Entrance #5)
Room 4167
Odum has several study guides and test prep books in the collection! You can search for them in Gil-Find or ask a librarian!
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2. Select the exam that you would like to prepare for. Some exam preparation includes eBooks as well as practice exams.
If you select an eBook format, you can download the full eBook directly to your computer by clicking the Download eBook button.
Practice tests provide you with different test questions that emulate the official tests in the time allowed, types of questions, and scoring methods.
For practice exams, you will have the option to start the practice test online or print the exam. If you choose to print, the answer key will be included at the end of the test.
Taking the practice exam online allows you to choose one of three different methods:
If you would like to take the online version of the test, select Start Test. This takes you to the instructions for the online practice exam. Make sure you read over all instructions as these will provide you with additional information about how the actual test is structured and timed.
Select your test method and click "Start Test" to begin.