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Communication Arts Research for Graduate Students: Dissertations and Theses

Dissertation Resources

The following searchable VSU resources will help you find dissertations and theses:

Search Tips for VSU Dissertations

The easiest way to search for dissertations and theses from VSU is using our online catalog, GIL-Find. Start at the Odum Library Home Page and click the "Books & Journals" Tab.

In that tab, click on Advanced Search. 


Keyword Searching

Once in GIL-Find, you can use keyword searches to find relevant dissertations or theses. For example, if you are looking for dissertations from the Department of Curriculum, Leadership and Technology , you would use the Advanced or Keyword Search to formulate your search.


Screenshot of Advanced Search Screen of Valdosta State University's Odum Library GIL-Find. Search term entered in first field Department of Curriculum, Leadership and Technology  in quotation marks. Second search field linked with AND contains dissertation. Last search term in the third field, linked with AND, is "Valdosta State University"


See what happens when you search "Valdosta State University" AND dissertation AND "Department of Curriculum, Leadership and Technology" 


Locating Theses and Dissertations


Once you have found the dissertation or thesis you want online, you can check out a print copy in the library. The location and call number for the thesis can be located at the bottom of the page  This information will tell you where you can find the thesis or dissertation in our library. All of our Theses and Dissertations are available for patrons to check out.


Screenshot of GIL-Find results for a search for dissertations The call number and location are listed after Available At

Searching VSU Theses or Dissertations by Advisor

The VText Repository also contains links to PDFs of dissertations and other publications produced at Valdosta State University. 

To access VText, navigate to the library's home page and click on VText Repository under Resources. 

Image of library website. VText is circled in red underneath the tab Resources in the bottom right.


Simpler searches work best in VText. If looking for dissertations that had a specific advisor or committee person, search for their name in quotation marks.


VText Digital Repository main screen. Red arrow pointing to search box with the words "Enter your search here"


This search for "Pate, James, L." returned 13 results in VText. 


Search results of "Pate, James, L." in VText Repository

Accessing Documents in VText

Once you find a result you want to access, scroll down until you see the View/Open option towards the bottom. Click on View/Open to access the dissertation. 

A screenshot of a dissertation found in VText. Towards the bottom, there is an icon of a dog-eared piece of paper. An arrow with "To access dissertation, click here" points to View/Open


Indefinite Embargo


Most, but not all dissertations will be available through VText. Students have the option to place their work under an indefinite embargo. Items under an indefinite embargo will say: 

Format: Text file 

Description: Indefinite Embargo

In these cases, if you would like to access the dissertation, you would need to locate a physical copy in Odum Library using the GIL-Find catalog.