1. Log into the computer with the microfilm station username and password, displayed on the monitor.
2. Double-click the red ScanPro 3000 icon on the desktop.
3. Select Expert User + New Features.
4. Wait for the software to fully load.
5. Use the black bar at the front of ScanPro to GENTLY center the glass and pull the glass forward towards you. Keep pulling gently until the glass lifts upward. The glass will only open if it is positioned in the center; it may crack if not positioned properly!
6. Watch the video demonstrating how to load the microfilm reel. The video opens after you pull the scanner forward and the glass lifts up.
MICROFILM – Load the microfilm following the arrows in the demo video.
MICROFICHE – Set the sheet between the glass panes.
7. It does not matter if the film is backwards or upside down; the software allows you to flip the image.
8. Push the bar backwards to close the glass.
9. Use the bar to center the film/fiche in the scanner.
Contact us at the Reference Desk or the Circulation Desk!
Reference 229-333-7149 | Circulation 229-333-5869