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ENGL 1101 Muller: Online Resources for Articles & More

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Discover GALILEO

Use Discover to search for books, articles, and more through GALILEO. This kind of search casts a wide net; it's like Googling the library's resources. Sometimes you'll find exactly what you need, but sometimes plenty of unrelated items come up in your search.

Use Discover to search for books, articles, and more through GALILEO. This kind of search casts a wide net; it's like Googling the library's resources. Sometimes you'll find exactly what you need, but sometimes plenty of unrelated items come up in your search.

Helpful Online Resources

Sometimes it's hard to find the information you need on the internet. Just when you think you've found the perfect article in Google Scholar, the website asks you to pay more than $30 for it! When you search in one of the library's databases, though, you're going to find a lot of excellent content that the library (and your student fees) has already paid for. Try them out!