If you find a book or article that you need for your research, but the library does not have it, you can request it using ILL. Books are physical and will be mailed to the library (ebooks cannot be requested). Articles are typically scanned and delivered as online PDFs.
1. Go to the library home page.
2. Click on ILL-Odum Express.
3. Log into ILLiad using your BlazeVIEW username and password. ILLiad is the system we use to process ILL requests.
4. Click on the appropriate link under Make a Request.
5. Fill in the form and click Submit Request.
Many of the library databases will provide an option to locate the full text of an article. If an article is not available full text in that database, there will be a button called Find It @ VSU. Find It @ VSU links to the online full text and ILL service.