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Blazer Summer Research Institute 2021: Library Research: Home

Reference Librarian

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Catherine Bowers

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Getting started

Welcome to the library!

This LibGuide is for the Blazer Summer Research Institute participants, and will help get you started with library research parts of your BSRI project. The variety of projects in progress this summer means that this guide is a starting line, with tips to make sure everyone can engage with resources, and to find help when they need it. 

When it comes to library research, there are many things to keep in mind. ​

  • Break complex questions into simple ones. Research is built by analyzing the parts of the whole.
  • Use various research methods to gather and synthesize information from a variety of sources. Books, journals, interviews, podcasts, Instagram, lab work. 
  • Look for gaps, weaknesses, and roadblocks. All of these are potentially great opportunities for more questions, and sometimes brilliant research comes from looking more closely at the question instead of the answer.
  • Be flexible and creative.
  • Browse, and be open to stumbling over something unexpected.
  • Information has value. Make sure to cite all your sources, and to follow the citation trails left by others. 
  • Persist! This may mean slight redirections, or pursuing paths off the original map. 
  • Finally, seek guidance--ask a librarian. 

Research Basics

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Find your subject here!

This is a list of the some of research areas BSRI 2021 is working on this summer. Ask a librarian if you don't see yours. 




How to use the library

Log in with Anywhere Access

Enter your VSU username and password, click through to GALILEO.

Research Guides

Browse through the general subject list to find resources that can help your discipline--not all of these resources are in GALILEO, and some of the sources are quirky--ask a librarian for assistance with the details of using these. 


GALILEO is a great place to start--remember to change up search terms, and look for related terms, such as cats OR felines.

Books and more

Check the Continuity of Service links for current information about checking books out. 

Interlibrary loan: things from other libraries

If you can't find what you need, or want a book or book chapter from another library, talk to a librarian about Interlibrary Loan. We'll help you get what you need.