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This guide provides assistance for students conducting research for Professor Crane's Construction Methods and Building Regulations course.

Using this Research Guide

Welcome! This research guide gathers resources for research on construction methods and building regulations.  


The first step in any research project is Choosing Your Topic and brainstorming Keywords. You may find it helpful to make a Concept Map. When you start searching, use your keywords and combine them with Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT). I’ve included a few tips for Choosing Your Topic and some Keywords to start with below. 


When you are ready to start Finding Articles, you can select a database to search. Art and Architecture Complete is a discipline-specific database. Discover GALILEO Advanced Search includes articles and resources for a wide variety of subjects, including architecture. You can use the EBSCOhost search tips on the Finding Articles tab for both these databases. 


Reading Articles is different than reading a book. Be ready to jump from section to section and take notes as you read. Taking Good Notes is the first step to writing without plagiarism. Using correct Citations is a key element to avoiding plagiarism. The library has resources for correctly citing in APA, MLA, and Chicago styles. 


Finally, librarians are here to help with your research questions! Contact us with Live Chat for immediate help anytime the Reference Desk is open. Schedule a Research Appointment with a librarian for focused research help at a time that is convenient for you.

Getting Started Quick Tips

Choosing a Topic

What are the requirements of the assignment?
What about this subject or topic interests you?


Develop a Focus

As you learn more about your topic, you’ll discover ways you can refine your research topic to focus on a few main points. Focusing on a few main points will make it easier to research and write on your topic.

Keywords for Research

Start with what you know about your subject:

  • Interior design
  • Building Type
  • Construction Methods or Materials
  • Technology and Construction
  • Building ordinances
  • Building regulations
  • Energy conservation 
  • Environmental systems


As you learn more about your topic you will discover other keywords or concepts. Pay attention to the subject terms used in the database to describe the article and the terms or language used in the article. Use these to search for other, similar articles. 



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