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Public Administration Doctoral Students: Interlibrary Loan aka ILL - Odum Express

This guide offers research assistance to doctoral students in the Department of Public Administration.

ILL-Odum Express

ILL-Odum Express includes Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Odum Express.

VSU students, faculty, and staff can request materials that the library does not own through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). The library will borrow the requested materials from another library. Books and physical items are mailed to Odum Library and can be picked up at the main circulation desk. Articles are generally delivered as PDFs that can be accessed online. 


Placing an ILL Request

If you find a book or article that you need for your research, but the library does not have it, you can request it using ILL. Books are physical and will be mailed to the library (ebooks cannot be requested). Articles are typically scanned and delivered as online PDFs.

How to request a book or article using ILL:

  • Go to the library home page.
  • Click on ILL-Odum Express.
  • Log into ILLiad using your BlazeVIEW username and password. ILLiad is the system we use to process ILL requests.
    • The first time you log into ILLiad you must fill in the registration form. Once this form is filled in you will see the main menu for ILLiad and can request materials. In the future you will go directly to the main menu when you  log in.
  • Click on the appropriate link under Make a Request.
    • For example, click on Get an Article to request an article.
  • Fill in the form and click Submit Request.

Picking up the requested material:

  • You will receive an email once the book or article is available.
  • Students can pick up books at the main circulation desk.
    • Faculty can have books delivered to their department.
  • Articles are usually online. Log into ILLiad and click on PDFs Available for Download. Be sure to save the PDF! PDFs are removed from the server after 30 days.

Requesting Materials with VSU Full Text

Many of the library databases will provide an option to locate the full text of an article.  If an article is not available full text in that database, there will be a button called Find It @ VSU. Find It @ VSU links to the online full text and ILL service.  


Using Find It @ VSU

  • Click on the Find It @ VSU button or the Find it @ VSU dropdown option when in Discover.

Icon and Find It @ VSU


Access options drop down with Find it @ VSU displayed


  • A new window will open to the Library catalog. Depending on the article, it may be available online or available through Interlibrary Loan. 


Available Online

  • If we have access to the full text online, there will be a link to the database or databases that have access to the journal title. Under "Full text available at", there might be a date or date range of coverage. Click on the appropriate link to access the full text of the article. 


Available through Interlibrary Loan

  • If the catalog returns a message of "no full text available",  under Additional services, click on Request through ILL.
  • Log into ILLiad using your BlazeVIEW username and password. 
  • The Get an Article request form will be filled in automatically. 
    • This only works if you have previously completed the ILL registration form.
    • It's a good idea to look over the imported information to check the accuracy.
  • Click Submit Request.