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Biology Research: CSE Style Quick Guide

Formatting CSE Name-Date References

Author's Name

The format is last name first initial.

Example: Wright L

If there is more than one author, the format is last name first initial comma last name first initial, and repeat.

Example: Holt M, Bowers C

List authors in the order they appear in the publication.


Year of Publication

Year of Publication comes after the authors.

Example: 2002.


Article Title

Only the first word of an article title should be capitalized.

Example: Amino acid and carbohydrate tradeoffs by honey bee nectar foragers and their implications for plant–pollinator interactions.

Species names are italicized.

Example: Visual signalling of nectar-offering flowers and specific morphological traits favour robust bee pollinators in the mass-flowering tree Handroanthus impetiginosus (Bignoniaceae).


Journal Title

Journal titles are abbreviated based on ISO standards.


Journal Volume, Issue, Pages

The journal title is followed by the volume, issue (when available), and the page range.

Example: 54(3):974-1025

CSE Name-Date In-Text Citations

Use the author's last name and year of publication, in parentheses.

One Author

Example: (Holt 2012)

Two Authors

Example: (Bowers and Wright 2011)

Three or More Authors

Example: (Williams et al. 2007)

CSE Journal Article (Print)

Example with One Author


Baker M. 2015. Antibody anarchy: A call to order. Nature. 527(7579):545-551.

In-Text Citation

(Baker 2015)


Example with Two Authors


Levinton J, Mackie J. 2013. Latitudinal diversity relationships of fiddler crabs: biogeographic differences united by temperature. Glob Ecol Biogeog. 22(9):1050-1059.

In-text Citation

(Levington and Mackie 2013)


Example with Three or More Authors


León A, Arias-Castro C, Rodríguez-Mendiola M, Meza-Gordillo R, Gutiérrez-Miceli F, Nieh J. 2015. Colony foraging allocation is finely tuned to food distance and sweetness even close to a bee colony. Entomol Exp Appl. 155(1):47-53. 

In-Text Citation

(León et al. 2015)