The format is last name first initial.
Example: Wright L
If there is more than one author, the format is last name first initial comma last name first initial, and repeat.
Example: Holt M, Bowers C
List authors in the order they appear in the publication.
Year of Publication comes after the authors.
Example: 2002.
Only the first word of an article title should be capitalized.
Example: Amino acid and carbohydrate tradeoffs by honey bee nectar foragers and their implications for plant–pollinator interactions.
Species names are italicized.
Example: Visual signalling of nectar-offering flowers and specific morphological traits favour robust bee pollinators in the mass-flowering tree Handroanthus impetiginosus (Bignoniaceae).
Journal titles are abbreviated based on ISO standards.
The journal title is followed by the volume, issue (when available), and the page range.
Example: 54(3):974-1025
Use the author's last name and year of publication, in parentheses.
Example: (Holt 2012)
Example: (Bowers and Wright 2011)
Example: (Williams et al. 2007)
Baker M. 2015. Antibody anarchy: A call to order. Nature. 527(7579):545-551.
(Baker 2015)
Levinton J, Mackie J. 2013. Latitudinal diversity relationships of fiddler crabs: biogeographic differences united by temperature. Glob Ecol Biogeog. 22(9):1050-1059.
(Levington and Mackie 2013)
León A, Arias-Castro C, Rodríguez-Mendiola M, Meza-Gordillo R, Gutiérrez-Miceli F, Nieh J. 2015. Colony foraging allocation is finely tuned to food distance and sweetness even close to a bee colony. Entomol Exp Appl. 155(1):47-53.
(León et al. 2015)