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Teagle Scholars' Library Guide Summer 2022: Finding Books at Odum Library

This guide offers guidance on searching and evaluating sources found through Odum Library and on the Internet.



Search GIL-Find@VSU to find materials available in Odum Library

GIL-Find@VSU is the library's online catalog. This catalog is made up of descriptive records of all the materials available at Odum Library. These materials include books, videos, musical scores, government documents, print journals, and other items. Each GIL-Find record represents one item and provides detailed information about the record, such as the author, title, subject headings, and the call number for the item.  GIL-Find is available online and no password is needed to search Odum Library’s catalog.

Reach GIL-Find@VSU by clicking on the Books and Journals tab on the library's home page


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