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Educational and Psychological Tests and Measures: Tracking Down Tests

Published vs. Unpublished Tests

Remember that "published tests" are generally available for purchase through a commercial publisher and only by licensed professionals. Copies of "unpublished tests", on the other hand, may be found in ERIC Documents, journal articles, dissertations, websites, and books. You can also try contacting the test's author and asking for a copy.

Psychology And Counseling Department's Testing and Assessment Laboratory/Library

The Psychology & Counseling Department maintains a Testing and Assessment Laboratory/Library that may be accessed through any psychology or counseling professor. Please speak to your professor if you have any questions. 

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Published Tests

If you've found the title of a test in the print copies of the MMY, Test Critiques, or Tests in Print, the name of the publisher is included in the test entry. All of these sources include sections, usually found at the back of each volume, listing publisher contact information.


The Association of Test Publishers provides an alphabetical list of publishers, with links to contact information.

Unpublished Test in an Article

Sometimes the auhor of an "unpublished" test will include the test in the appendix of the research article that first used the test. If you have a citation to an article you can search Journals A-Z to see if the library has the full-text article online or in print.