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THEA 3740: Home

This guide provides access to resources helpful for Professor Guthrie's course in Theatre Management.


Use this guide to find sources for your research assignments in Professor Duke Guthrie's THEA 3740 class.  You can start on this page using our Galileo DISCOVER search, but you can also try the other tabs for online newspapers, databases, and web sites to find specialized information on the theatre world. 

Reference Desk Hours (Fall 2024)

Monday - Thursday  

8:00am - 8:00pm



8:00am - 3:00pm 






4:00pm - 8:00pm


Reference hours are subject to change. Please see the Library Hours page for the latest information. 

Discover GALILEO

Use Discover to search for books, articles, and more through GALILEO. This kind of search casts a wide net; it's like Googling the library's resources. Sometimes you'll find exactly what you need, but sometimes plenty of unrelated items come up in your search.

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